Information Technology

Some areas of expertise...

Strategy & Planning...

Over the last decade, IT systems have evolved from being purely systems of record to systems that engage, transact and interact with customers.

How can information technology contribute to business growth over the next 5 years? How can new information technologies and delivery channels be harnessed or leveraged to increase profits?

These are two key questions that should be asked about every business, irrespective of size.

While we do not have all the answers and do not have a crystal ball that lets us see into the future, we can help formulate a flexible, responsive IT strategy based on current, emerging and anticipated technologies to align IT strategy and plans with the goals and objectives of the business...

Open Source...

Open source is not just about free UNIX based operating systems or "free" lookalike versions of well known Windows or iOS productivity tools.

Open source is about standards based, supported, powerful, scalable, web enabled softweare applications, tools and technologies(database and development). It's also about the network infrastructure that underpins musch of the the Internet - data centres, servers, routers, data switches.

Why consider open source? Because it's not only about low entry cost, it's also about harnessing innovative ICT technologies to grow your business.

Some of the world's most successful companies have been built on open source technologies - Google, Facebook, Twitter to name but three.

We have been closely monitoring the Open Source opportuinty since 2010...

Business Continuity...

What would happen if a business critical facility was lost or unusable following a fire, flood or some other event (manmade or natural disaster)?

Businesses that have a fully tested business continuity plan for such events are better positioned to recover because they have a set of tried and tested processes in place that are designed get critical business functions back up and running in the shortest possible time.

Businesses that do not have a fully tested business continuity plan in place may never recover or will take longer to get back up and running and will, more often than not, fail within 24 months of a major business interruption event.

We can offer advice and assistance with the development, implementation and testing of the ICT elements of your business continuity plan...

Securing Your Data...

Where does your information/data rest, how it is transmitted, who has access to it and under what circumstance can it be accessed by anyone other than authorised personnel?

With confidentiality and privacy being key factors for success in so many businesses, these are relevant questions in light of recent disclosures about who's secretly accessing and accumulating data.

Traditionally, information about IP, processes, product formulae and trade secrets along with business and performance data was stored locally; access was strictly controlled and provided on a need-to-know basis.

So what can be done to keep sensitive information/data secure, private and confidential?

Actually, quite a lot...

We are always happy to provide more infromation about our Information Technology consulting services or to discuss any IT related project you might be considering.
Just contact us by email or phone at the number shown below.